We wanted to take a moment to thank the following local businesses for sponsoring a christmas tree.

The Magnificent 7×7 DJs

High Green Court


Chase Outdoors

Curley Event Photography

Cannock Rugby Club

The money from this sponsorship will go to a charitable cause chosen by the choir of Zion City Tabernacle.

This is the choir that will be performing at the Gospel Choir Evening Friday 21st December.  “Zion City Tabernacle are a spirit filled community church based in Wolverhampton. Committed to showing their love of Jesus Christ both in word and demonstration. And now they’re bringing that excitement to cannock! Expect a mix of traditional and modern christmas carols, soul, and caribbean flavours to make a recipe you will not want to miss!” – Pastor Windsor

At the end of the night the Magnificent 7×7 DJs will be spinning some cool tunes in Caffe Del Nino!


Last year’s event was packed so make sure you get down!