After a number of crimes in the south of Staffordshire, police are urging owners of keyless entry cars and high-performance vehicles to protect themselves from theft. *
There have been more than 50 crimes since May this year, including keyless thefts, attempted thefts of vehicles and car key burglaries reported to police from across the south of the force area, which covers Lichfield, Cannock, Tamworth and South Staffordshire.
One of the best possible measures you can take to protect your car is to park it in a safe car park. High green court is well lit, out of the way, and has the best security around.
Not only is High Green Court car park safe, but also you can pay by card. This is the only car park that accepts card at the pay machine in all of town.
The car park is situated behind Domino’s pizza on Newhall street
*source: https://alittlebitofstone.com/2018/07/25/spate-of-car-thefts-prompts-staffordshire-police-warning/