Russ Taylor from Cycle-R supported a presentation by students from South Staffordshire College who had designed and built prototype bikes and bike accessories to aid cyclists with disability.
Joseph Hughes presented an attachment which allowed wheelchair users to share the experience and freedom of riding a bike. George Baxter had designed a roll cage incase the bike was upended Ben Jones worked on a recumbent off road vehicle, Jordon Bernard developed a trailer suspension and in a slightly different vein, James Taylor’s project was one which stripped the metal elements from bicycle tyres allowing them to be recycled – a truly innovative bunch.
Clive Gibson from Inspiring Healthy Lifestyle also supported the event, and while Cycle-R provided the raw material for the projects (bikes to be adapted) Clive has been actively promoting and managing the use of adapted bikes for those that may have a disability but who still want to stay active. Scarlett from High Green Courts Marketing Team was kindly shown one of the incumbent hand operated bikes that Clive has at his disposal